About Us

Company Overview:-

Comware Computer Systems was established in May 1990 with the view to service the Information Technology needs of law firms.

Since 1990 we have acted for clients at various levels and roles. We have acted by taking on individual projects within the firm all the way through to providing entire systems and their implementation as Information Technology (IT) Partners with the firm.

As time progressed Comware became more involved with software and management of IT Systems as opposed to purely installing and maintaining base infrastructures.

We began being involved in document management and document automation for firms we also developed heavily automated printing in the document cycle.

Software development became a high priority in the automation of legal and other business processes enticing us to develop our own document management product DOCSnet and our own Precedent management software PMnet.

Comware has also been involved with contact and event management for several firms creating web based event management integrated in to our own contact management software CRMnet.

A myriad of software projects and a heavy commitment to document automation and management is taking Comware Computer Systems forward.

As part of any processes we endeavor to:-

  • establish firm requirements & expectations
  • develop a technology plan to suit the firm
  • assist in preparation of annual IT budgets
  • discuss & demonstrate infrastructure by way of hardware & software tools
  • determine staff levels and necessary skill sets

Areas that we can advise and assist with:-

  • cabling structure and management
  • IT infrastructure inhouse, hybrid or in the cloud
  • migration from legacy systems to latest technology
  • use of a centralised data (SQL databases)
  • use of document management and document automation technology
  • redundancy and disaster recovery planning
  • education and training of staff in new procedures and tools
  • understanding of workflow and assist in development of procedures